What If this was the year you turned your Etsy hobby into a profitable business? 


Get Started Now

Imagine This...


You wake up in the morning ready to start your day... 


As you grab your phone, you see all the sales you made overnight while you peacefully slept... 
It's a great feeling to know you made bank WHILE you were asleep. 

You get out of bed, have some breakfast, maybe drop the kids off at school and then head to your dining room table to start your work day.

You don't have to punch in or ask your boss to leave early to go to your child's soccer game.
There is no rush to get to work on time or make it to another boring meeting

No more crazy bosses to deal with. 
After all you run your own successful Etsy shop and get to make all the rules!





  • The thought of figuring out SEO and understanding even the basics of the Etsy algorithm  overwhelms you.

  • You have no idea how to research a profitable niche.

  • You don't know how to optimize your ads.

  • You aren't getting many views or sales and quite frankly you have no idea why.

  • Your frustrated at the lack of success you have seen so far and ready to give up.

Check Out What One Of Our Students Had To Say...


Does This Sound Like You?

Here's the thing, trying do it alone is frustrating and the truth is you don't know what you don't know.




You don't need to be an expert to start being profitable on Etsy.


All you need is some expert guidance from a supportive community of expert coaches and like-minded shop owners. 


Think about it, if you had the knowledge you needed to build a profitable Etsy shop, and could scale your shop to just $50 in revenue a day, you can make you an extra $17,600 a year.  Imagine if you were able to scale it to $100 a day or $200 a day.  

All easily attainable $$'s with the right help!


So, whether you are looking to make an extra $1000 a month or create a full-time career, it all starts with you taking the decision to stop going at it alone.  

With weekly coaching in our Etsy Success and Beyond Group, you will learn the exact methods I have used to grow 2 shops to over 38,000 sales in just a few years.


And no, I didn't have any design experience at all and honestly knew nothing about e-commerce. 

What I did have was a burning desire to contribute to my families well-being by bringing in extra cash each month while still taking care of my kids and my dog.

Fast forward to today, I only work 1-2 hours per day on my shop and from wherever I want... have laptop will go, and get to live my life on my own terms.


This is the power of having expert group coaching on Etsy

  • No more spending hours watching you tube trying to figure out how to optimize your shop.
  •  Grow and scale with ease as you stay up to date on all the latest SEO techniques and research strategies..
  • Have a supportive community to help you exceed your goals.
  • Learn how to increase profitability, optimize listings, reduce ad spend and make $$$.
  • Stop dreaming about what could be and instead earn some real money to take that vacation you have been dreaming about, help support your family or buy that extra latte.



And Etsy Success and Beyond Group Coaching Will Teach You Exactly How To Do It...


🌟 Feel amazing when you finally understand SEO and how to attract buyers

🌟 Eliminate overwhelm by having weekly live sessions to ask questions and get support

🌟 Jump for joy with relief when you realize that even if you miss a call, everything is recorded and available for you to review at any time inside the private facebook group where there is also 24/7 support.

🌟Scream with happiness when you realize that you are actually making a profit and scaling your business.





Weekly Coaching Calls

Live coaching 1x a week on Zoom on Wednesdays at 3pm EST.  All calls are recorded and stored in our private facebook group.

Private Facebook Group

In addition to our call recordings, we upload all slides on the weekly topic as well as access to Q&A 24/7 from our expert coaches and like-minded community

Monthly Personalized Shop Help

Sign up for our monthly "Hot Seats" and get help on whatever you specifically need for your shops growth.

Mindset Coaching

Weekly mindset coaching incorporated into our live calls to release your limiting beliefs and disempowering thoughts that might be holding you back from success.


Here's What Is Waiting For You Inside...


✔️ Weekly sessions with Etsy specific lessons on SEO, Advertising, Research, Scaling, Profitability and more


✔️ Weekly mindset coaching to unlock your limitless potential 


✔️Access to a private Facebook group for answers to your burning questions 24/7, as well as all recordings and slideshows from previous sessions.


✔️ Special Guests on trending topics related to Etsy and beyond 

I Want It Now

**$49 thereafter with no contracts...cancel at any time

Meet your coaches

Hi, I'm Jodi

For the past three years, I have immersed myself in the dynamic realm of Etsy, honing my skills as a seller and discovering the immense potential it holds for digital entrepreneurs. I am also a coach in an Etsy group mastermind and have helped 100's of Etsy sellers through private and group coaching, to build the business of their dreams. 

As a busy mom myself, I understand firsthand the desire to create a meaningful side hustle that brings both financial stability and personal fulfillment. Just like you, I've felt the drive to build something I can be proud of while still balancing the demands of family life.

That's why I'm passionate about sharing the knowledge and strategies I've acquired on my own journey with the Etsy Digital Blueprint. It's not just about starting an Etsy shop; it's about laying the foundation for your dreams and building a nest egg for the future. I'm committed to empowering fellow moms and aspiring entrepreneurs to turn their passions into profitable realities, because I believe every mom deserves the chance to thrive both personally and professionally.

Let's embark on this empowering journey together!

Hi, I'm Jenni

Jenni Rock, our resident Mindset coach, set up her Etsy shop at the end of April 2022 as she had been coaching Etsy shop owners on mindset & how impacts on your business since Dec 2020.  Since then she has focused on incorporating her mindset she teaches her students and has made over 3250 sales since starting her shop.

She is able to understand shop owners challenges and frustrations having gone through many of these herself!


You have two choices right now...

Do nothing and look back at the end of the year, disappointed

that another year has gone by without you making

money from your Etsy shop.



You jump into this amazing affordable group coaching opportunity and have the chance to start making $1000-$5000 a month selling on Etsy while changing your life and your families lives forever.


Got A Question?  We Can Help...

Jodi & Jenni the dynamic duo, what a game changer.   From brilliant mindset coaching to all things Etsy these ladies have it covered.  I love being a part of this group and I see no point in attempting to work out this Etsy business alone. In this group setting it is more like friends who make you accountable. The coaching varies each week (so you never know what nuggets will be dropped) and we the students have input on topics of what we need to learn.  I highly recommend these ladies if you wish to take your business to the next level.

Sally  R:  Etsy Success and Beyond Student

Are you new to e commerce and perhaps tech challenged?? Congratulations, you've found a diamond in the rough!
All coaches are current & actively proftable with life changing incomes.You get what you pay for.
Building an online business doesn't have to be frustrating, it can be a lot of fun!

Leane K, student of Etsy Success and Beyond

I definitely learned a lot form coaching.  Even after a year I'm still learning from Jodi.  I call Jodi the "Etsy Whisperer".  I aspire to have a shop running like her.

Luane B. Student Of Etsy Success and Beyond

I have to say that this Etsy Support group is the best I have found. It is really live and personal and not just a recording like most others.
The weekly call is educational znd enlightening and each attendee is given the opportunity to ask and/or share their own experiences that enrich the group, regardless of at what level your Etsy shop is.
Jodi and Jenni are both knowledgeable and approachable.
Congratulations for doing a great job at walking us through this process!

Danielle H.  Student Of Etsy Success and beyond

Frequently Asked Questions

Look What Some Of Our Members Have To Say...

Imagine having a PROVEN Coaching Group with Experts who are actually selling on Etsy to give you the guidance to start making CONSISTENT, PROFITABLE, sales with your Etsy business

Let's Recap What Happens When You Join...

➡️  WEEKLY LIVE COACHING:  Weekly lessons pertaining to all aspects of Etsy, including SEO, Researching Niche products, advertising and more.


➡️ MINDSET COACHING:  Weekly sessions incorporated into our call to unlock your limitless potential with our resident expert Jenni.


➡️ PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP:  Access to 24/7 help from our coaches as well as the like-minded community.  Watch previous weeks videos and learn from the past lessons.


➡️ LIMITED TIME: Try It out for FREE for the first month.




No Contracts... Cancel At Any Time

  • 1x Weekly Group Coaching Call on Tuesdays at 3pm EST.  Calls will be 1 1/2 hours long and include Etsy coaching and Mindset Coaching 

  • Monthly Hot Seats designed to give personalized attention to shop owners

  • Special Guests to include other experts in Etsy, Amazon etc...

  • Private Facebook Group for instant access to coaches and members group discussion and Q &A